Ungdomskort switches from Midttrafik app to Rejsebillet

31 March 2025 is the last day you can buy or renew your Ungdomskort in the Midttrafik app.

We therefore recommend that you switch from the Midttrafik app to Rejsebillet now – and it’s important that you do so by 31 March 2025 at the latest.

If you fail to transfer your future orders by 31 March, you will not receive your Ungdomskort, and you therefore risk not having a valid ticket from 1 April.

If you don’t transfer to Rejsebillet until after 31 March, there is a two-day delivery time for your Ungdomskort on Rejsebillet. And on the days where you have to buy a different ticket, you will not be entitled to a refund.

If you already have a paid and active Ungdomskort in the Midttrafik app
You can switch to receiving your Ungdomskort on Rejsebillet right now. However, you cannot see or pay for the next card in Rejsebillet until 2 days before it comes into effect.

Example: You have a paid Ungdomskort in the Midttrafik app for the period from February 4 to March 6. Your next Ungdomskort is set for March 7 to April 5. When you change the delivery method of your Ungdomskort to Rejsebillet, you can only see and pay for it in Rejsebillet starting from March 5.

How to transfer your Ungdomskort from the Midttrafik app to Rejsebillet

  1. Log in to www.mitungdomskort.dk
  2. See details
  3. Scroll down the page
  4. Click ‘Change delivery method’
  5. On the right you will see ‘Rejsebillet app’
  6. Click ‘Next’
  7. Re-enter your email address
  8. Click ‘Next’
  9. Upload photo
  10. Click ‘Next’
  11. Tick the box to accept the transport company’s terms and conditions
  12. Click ‘Next’
  13. An order confirmation will now be displayed

If you don’t have an active Ungdomskort in the Midttrafik app, but have had one previously

Once you have switched from the Midttrafik app to Rejsebillet by following the instructions above, your Ungdomskort will be available in Rejsebillet within two days or for your selected period.

If you need to order an Ungdomskort for the first time

If you have never had an Ungdomskort before, you need to order it in the usual way.

Read more about Ungdomskort