“Latest arrival time” or “collection time”

What is the latest time do you need to arrive by, or when would you like to be collected?

Flextur (dial-a-ride trips)

When booking your flextur, there are two options: 

  • You can book the trip for the latest time by which you need to arrive. This is important when you need to travel to important events where you have to arrive by a certain time.
  • You can book the trip for the time when you want to be collected. However, Midttrafik is unable to guarantee when you will arrive at your destination address. You will offered a collection time -15/+45 minutes relative to your desired time of departure.

You will be told your collection time when booking. The car will arrive between 5 minutes before and 20 minutes after the agreed time, and you must be standing ready in the road/on the curb when the car arrives.

It is important that you are ready by the agreed time. If you fail to appear for your booked trip, and we have driven in vain, any other trips on the day in question will be cancelled.
If you are not ready by the agreed time, or if the driver is unable to find or contact you, you will become liable for payment for the trip.

Plustur (dial-a-ride service)

When booking a plustur dial-a-ride service, Midttrafik plans the trip according to whether your total journey:

  • Starts with plustur. If the journey starts with a plustur service, we will make sure to plan your trip so that you arrive in time to continue your journey by train or bus etc.
  • Ends with plustur. If your journey ends with a plustur service, we will collect you when you arrive at the transit point by train or bus etc.

You will be told your collection time when booking. The car will arrive between 5 minutes before and 20 minutes after the agreed time, and you must be standing ready in the road/on the curb when the car arrives.

Flexbus (dial-a-ride bus)

When booking your flexbus, there are two options:

  • You can book the trip for the time in the timetable by which you need to arrive at the latest. It is important that you let us know when you need to reach the transit point in order to continue your journey by bus, train or Letbanen etc. In such cases, the collection time will be earlier than the time in the timetable.
  • You can book the trip for the time in the timetable when you want to be collected. However, Midttrafik is unable to guarantee when you will arrive.

You will be told your collection time when booking. The car will arrive by the agreed time or within 15 minutes, and you must be standing ready at the stop when it arrives.

You will be told when the car will collect you when booking. It is important that you are ready by the agreed time. If you fail to appear for your booked trip, and we have driven in vain, any other trips on the day in question will be cancelled.

Updated 26 June 2023